Get Involved
Arkansas Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics
There are different ways to be involved with the chapter.
- First, if you are not already a member, now is the time to JOIN! You can elect to be a state member regardless of your national membership status. Annual state chapter dues are $125.
- Sign up to serve on a committee that suites your professional and advocacy interests. A list of committees can be found by clicking here.
- Make a contribution to the foundation. All donations are tax-deductible and are used to advance community projects initiated by members. Contributions may be mailed to:
Arkansas Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics Foundation
1 Children’s Way, Slot 900
Little Rock, Arkansas 72202
- Think about applying for a CATCH grant to plan and implement that project that you’ve been thinking about for years. One pediatrician can make a difference. To get more information on CATCH grants, click here.
To make a contribution to the Foundation:
All donations are tax-deductible and are used to advance community projects initiated by members. Contributions may be mailed to:
Arkansas Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics Foundation
1 Children’s Way, Slot 900
Little Rock, Arkansas 72202