ARAAP Committees
Arkansas Chapter American Acadmey of Pediatrics
Dedicated to the health of all children
One of the best ways to get involved in Chapter activities is to join a committee. The ARAAP recently restructured the committees to better serve our members. Committees meet via video-conferencing, providing the convenience of home or office participation. Most committees have a light workload that involves meeting no more than once per month.
Please reach out to ARAAP staff with any questions about joining a committee – we’d love your involvement!
Membership & Physician Wellness Committee
This committee plans and executes Chapter membership recruitment and retention efforts as well as social events and other member-responsive wellness activities that address physician burnout and improve connection among medical professionals.
Nominating Committee
This committee encourages a diverse group of physicians to join the leadership of ARAAP.
Practice Financial Sustainability Committee
This committee guides the Chapter’s Medicaid and private payer advocacy initiatives. Affiliate members who work on payer issues are encouraged to apply. Co-chairs are Dr. Bryan Harvey and Dr. Jerry Byrum.
Education Committee
This committee guide the Chapter’s annual conference educational content and other Chapter continuing medical education initiatives. Both academic and community pediatricians are encouraged to apply.