Developmental Delays Toolkit
What You Can Do to Help Your Child with Developmental Delays
If you are concerned that your child has missed some developmental milestones, talk to their doctor. Their doctor will refer them for evaluations, therapy, and services they need.
If your child needs therapy or other services, there are some programs available at little or no cost to you. This sheet will tell you about 4 ways you may be able to get support, how much each cost, and how you can get started. The programs and services we will explain are:
• Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) Early Intervention Systems: Early Childhood Special Education Part B
• Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA) Early Intervention Systems: First Connections (Part C)
• Early Intervention Day Treatment (EIDT)
• Getting therapy on your own from the provider
Early Childhood Special Education Part B
This program helps children 3 to 5 years old who have special needs. It provides supports, services, and education for these children and their families.
Where will I get services?
You will get services in a place that best meets your child’s needs. That may be in your home, your child’s school or daycare, or other places in your community.
How much does it cost?
No cost to you.
Do I need a referral?
Yes. You or your child’s doctor, teacher, or other caregiver can make a referral. To get a referral form, click here.
Where do I go to learn more?
For assistance, call (501) 682-4221
First Connections Part C
This program helps children birth to 3 years old who have special needs. It provides supports and services for the children and their families.
Where will I get services?
You will get services in your child’s natural environment. That may be in your home or other places where your child is regularly.
How much does it cost?
No cost to you.
Do I need a referral?
Yes. You or your child’s doctor, teacher, or other caregiver can make a referral. To fill out a referral form, click here.
Where do I go to learn more?
For assistance, call (501) 682-8158
Early Intervention Day Treatment (EDIT)
This program is for children birth to 21 years old who have developmental disabilities, delays, or other health problems.
It provides screening, evaluation, developmental therapies such as speech and occupational therapy, and more to help them.
Where will I get services?
In a licensed day treatment clinic.
How much does it cost?
Depends on the provider. Most accept Medicaid, private insurance, or TEFRA. Call your insurance company to see what services they will pay for.
Do I need a referral?
Yes. Please visit your child’s doctor for a referral. A third-party screening may be required for EIDT evaluation. If your child has certain diagnoses, they may not be required for a screening.
Where do I go to learn more?
Therapy From a Private Provider
You can get developmental services (such as occupational or speech therapy) from a licensed provider or therapist.
Where will I get services?
Depends on the provider.
How much does it cost?
Depends on the provider. Most accept Medicaid, private insurance, or TEFRA. Call your insurance company to see what services they will pay for.
Do I need a referral?
Yes. Please visit your child’s doctor for a referral.
Where do I go to learn more?
Talk to your child’s doctor.
What should I do if I need help paying for therapy services?
If you need help paying for therapy services, consider applying for:
ARKids First. This is a health insurance program through Medicaid for children.
TEFRA. This is a special type of Medicaid for families with children who have a disability.